Buddha Old Path To Bodhi, 7days
November 4-10, 2024
From darkness to light
Buddhagaya International Sati Institute (BISI) is an international organization with its headquarter in Bodhgaya, India. It aims to help people to be free and to live their lives with happiness, vitality, generosity, and contentment. It also encourages people to strive and work for peace, justice and equality for the world.
All that Sati(meditaion)
Buddha is calling you
The original form of Chinese Chan parctice
The precursor to American mindfulness meditation
The essene of Vipassana in India and Southeast Asia
The root of modern meditation theory and technique
The Nobel Eight Right Path practice sysetem is the technical standards of Buddhist practice. Experience the Original Buddha Style, created by the Buddha himself, which sets the benchmark for meditation techniques.
Based on the origianl teachings,
Under the quidance of enlightened master,
With the best practitioners gathered,
Learn and master the supreme practice techniques.
And witness the transformation of yourself and the world.